Analysis of the status quo and strategic perspectives for the development of RMA pathways in lower and upper middle schools. Based on selection of available research, statistics, studies as well as on findings discovered by partners’ desk and field analysis, the main ambition of this document is to summarize, condense and – with the aim of comparing trends and developments – frame the status quo and the strategic perspectives with regard to the application of the Reciprocal Maieutic Approach (RMA) enriched with some features of the Montessori educative pathway in the school contest. The aim of the document is of providing details and insights for a better understanding of the REACT challenges and opportunities in developing and testing such new methodology in lower and upper middle school context. Download the REACT Report on the Analysis of the Status Quo in English!

National and European Biographic Report. The National and European Biographic Report has been drafted in its initial version, acquiring results for the ex-ante evaluation. The final version of this document has been updated after the ex-post evaluation of the project, conducted through post-testing questionnaires’ administering but also extensively exploiting other evaluation tools such as interviews, focus groups and participated observation notes. In its final version, the Report is a summary of national contributions and a synthesis comparative report. It represents a biographic work that gives an important input in the REACT project, considered a milestone of the project. It contains the methods applied for the research, summarizing the main features of participants, the materials and tools used to conduct the research. Download the Report in its complete version (English) here. Abstract of the Report is
available in all the REACT partners’ languages (BGDEELENES IT)!

REACT Model Manual. The Manual is addressed to educational networks, secondary school teachers, headmasters, other teaching staff, policy makers, public administrators, giving the project a broader horizon. The concept behind the structure of this document is to deliver a complete presentation of the REACT methodology, both as a pedagogical theory and as a well-documented compendium of replicable learning activities, aiming at setting up a reference book for all potential users interested in applying the REACT model within the schools. The contents and the workshops presented in the Manual have been fine-tuned after the partners’ maieutic workshops and then submitted to teachers for their review during the train the trainers’ sessions. The final version has been edited after the closure of the piloting, considering the results and the suggestions received after the experimentation.

Download the final version of the REACT Model Manual in all the REACT languages!

REACT Guidelines for maieutic workshops coordination. This document descended from the D3.1, putting into practical terms the theory and methodology contained therein. The Guidelines are conceived as a clear and complete hands-on for potential coordinators of REACT workshop, including also suggestions, indications, requirements for the development and the evaluation of the entire REACT experience at school.

The Guidelines have been initially edited in draft version, serving as a solid basis to carry out the train the trainers’ sessions envisaged at country level. Implementing partners collected the suggestions and the feedback given by attending teachers and external experts involved in the training phase. After the piloting, the REACT Guideline has been updated and now serves also for transferring the results of the project. It is addressed to third educational network, primary and secondary school teachers, headmasters, teaching and training staff but also parents, non-formal educators, role models within the youngsters’ community.

Download the final version of the REACT Guidelines in all the REACT languages!

Report of the Experimental phase of the REACT project: train the trainers and piloting in schools.

Originally conceived as 2 separate reports, those have been merged to give a comprehensive overview of the experimental phase of the project and its development at country level, thus including both the report of the pre-testing and testing phases. The Report is divided in to 2 sections:
-The description of the pre-piloting phase, namely train the trainers (76 in total). On a total of 30 schools involved at this stage, 23% of them were middle secondary; 23% were VET; 32% are primary and 23% are upper secondary.
-The description of the piloting, during which we involved 887 students enrolled in 22 schools and located into 47 classes in 4 EU countries and 5 EuU Regions. It is also worth noting that the German partner AGRAF, who was not an implementing partner for this phase of the project, decided to implement some special piloting sessions with 14 first-year University students, enrolled to become secondary school teachers. The duration of the piloting stage was on average 4-6 months.

Download the REACT Report of the experimental phase in English!

Data Analysis and results discussion – Final Evaluation Report. This document collects the REACT Evaluation approach, the methodology for the delivering of a solid and efficient evaluation of the project’s impacts. The document includes an overview of the project, its objectives and the consortium, plus it frames the background of the project and the innovation potentialities embedded into its methodology. Then, the research and evaluation methodology are presented as well, together with the instruments. A section about the conceptual framework has been edited, to clarify the theoretical framework set by the European institutions regarding “cultural diversity” in terms of approach, areas of intervention, key pillars. The data analysis process has been described as well, systematizing all the feedback, inputs, evaluation assessments gained during the project’s into logically framed sections. Appendices to this document are the questionnaires and all the templates, reference questions, grids to collect evaluation data.

Download the Final Evaluation Report of the REACT project in English!

The REACT Lessons Learned for further Policy Guidance. The Lessons Learned for further Policy Guidance is a primary input for the policy development framework. The data recorded in the Guidance are identifiers, type (enablers/barriers), reference to issue or risk and so on. This document is conceived as a bridge between WP5 Evaluation and WP7 Sustainability and Exploitation, encapsulating also the Lessons Learned Log. This is a recording of the lessons learned during the REACT project and especially during the training and piloting of the REACT Model in schools. It identifies key enablers and barriers to the successful and effective implementation of a dialogic-based learning from critical thinking approach to intercultural education. Lessons range in their focus from learning related to teaching and learning contexts and environments which are influenced by macro-, meso-, and micro-level factors. The Lessons Learned Log also summarizes some key recommendations needed to further support policy reform.

Download the REACT Lessons Learned for further Policy Guidance in English!

Support for policy Reform. This deliverable is conceived as a guidance for policy makers and key institutional stakeholders to ensure REACT further sustainability and exploitation produced through the cooperation and common effort of researchers and key educational actors involved in the partnership. More, it provides further evidence of the effectiveness of the program, giving a step-by-step roadmap for a smooth implementation of the REACT methodology.

Based on the D5.6 Policy guidance, this deliverable embeds the 15 recommendations for sustaining the educative policy reforms to welcome REACT Model into the educational pathways in European countries. Three levels have been analyzed in depth, namely the systemic, the institutional & community and the individual level.

Download the REACT Support for Policy Guidance in English!

REACT Ambassadors network (click here to enroll). The REACT consortium’s work to build the informal REACT ambassadors network started early in RP1. The process to involve and engage schools in the REACT experimentation and in the recruitment of teachers for training and then piloting the REACT workshops in classes was the starting point for the creation of such a network of committed people that express their willingness in raise awareness of their peers and communities regarding the value of REACT methodology and actions. The commitment of teachers and schools has been collected during the preparatory actions and nurtured throughout the entire experimental phase that lasted one school year. All the teachers that have been trained were subsequently invited to attend focus group and informal meeting to spread the voice about the possibilities offered by the Model. More than 70 teachers are REACT Ambassadors at this stage.

Sustainability and Exploitation Plan. The sustainability issues were discussed by REACT partners since M20 of the project, starting with the identification of different type of exploitable results and consideration of their direct and indirect value and impact for different stakeholders. This deliverable contains firstly the sustainability and exploitation plan, thus developing the strategy for keeping the interest high on the REACT project also after the closure of the funding period. The, the REACT project results have been analyzed and some of them (particularly the D3.1, the D3.2 and the Ambassadors network) have been chosen as highly suitable for further exploitation. The measures for this exploitation are discussed and illustrated as well. The timing for sustainability and exploitation, as well as the target users of products and key stakeholders to keep involved have been illustrated.

Download the REACT Sustainability and Exploitation Plan in English!

Alongside those core outputs and outcomes, REACT relies on a solid Quality Assurance Plan and a Dissemination set of activities already set up at the application stage that will be constantly updated during the project’s lifespan.